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Drug Issues In India, Affecting The Productivity Of Young People

Drug Issues

The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is a survey carried out to track high school and college student smoking trends. The GYTS specifically targeted adolescents between 13 and 15 aged students, 16 and 18 aged students and 19 to 25 aged students. In India, the GYTS conducted the drug issues survey in both urban and rural areas in 26 locations throughout India. The survey used both self-reporting surveys, which were administered to subjects in person, as well as computer-assisted telephone interviews. Five hundred seventy-two junior high school students were surveyed in an urban setting out of the collected data.

Why Are Drugs Hazardous For Young People?

Research shows us that adolescents are more vulnerable to drug abuse than are adults. The GYTS results found that adolescents’ drug use is strongly influenced by their peer population (often called social influence). Adolescents tend to use drugs in the same situations as drinking alcohol. Therefore, a combination of these behaviours can lead to adolescents’ drug abuse and dependence issues.

Adolescents also have a weak ability to express appropriate behavior without this ‘social support from their peers. This can lead to teens feeling pressured by their peers, and the pressure can cause them to engage in risky behaviors earlier than they would have otherwise. This is the main reason that teens are so susceptible to drug use. It’s a behavior that may have been avoided had the adolescents felt comfortable in their situation.

Which Drugs Are Most Commonly Used By Young People?

The GYTS results may surprise you. In a survey it found that teen smoking has fallen rapidly in India. It also found that drug use is on the rise. According to GYTS, the most commonly used drugs among India’s youth are cigarettes, alcohol, and ganja. Out of them 15% of participants admitting to having tried marijuana. The following chart shows what percentages of students have tried these substances out of the total participants within a particular age group. It also displays their sources for these substances (where they purchased or obtained them).

(Drug Issues)
(Drug Issues)

What Do People Think About Drug Use In India?

The GYTS results showed that 51% of the participants believe that drug use among young people increases due to a lack of parental supervision and control. While only 15% gave other reasons, 3% believed that drug use is worse now than before. Finally, only 30% were aware of any substance abuse services within their communities and thus could not seek help.

How Do Drugs Affect Indians That Are Seeking Employment?

If there is a large portion of young people addicted to drugs and seeking employment in India, then this would significantly limit the productivity of India. There is a chance that affect thee whole community. A study conducted by the Journal of Economic and Political Weekly found empirical evidence within India that showed that the Indian economy had been weakened because of a weakening workforce. This is most likely due to an increase in drug use and addiction among the youth in India. According to the study, only 12% of high school students surveyed had completed their high school education; this percentage is not uniform with other results from GYTS. These results show a cause for concern when it comes to educating the youth in India.

Why Do Young People Take Drugs?

The GYTS results show that of all participants, 18% believe that young people take drugs because they think drugs will enhance their confidence. The survey also showed that there are many other reasons why some young people choose to use drugs (such as to relax or to give themselves relief from stress), but these reasons were not specified. The GYTS reveals new information which was not previously known about the drug situation in India. It shows us what is happening to India’s youth and how it affects their lives. The statistics indicate a cause for concern and will allow further research into this topic to identify practical solutions for drug abuse among Indian youth.

(Drug Addiction)
(Drug Addiction)

Which Young People Are At Risk For Drug Use?

GYTS results show an increase in drug use among children under 12. The reasons for that might be that children are more vulnerable to temptation when they are very young or that parents do not have enough time to watch out for strange behaviour in their children.

The results also show that the number of adolescents exposed to alcohol, ganja, and other drugs has increased over time. This is especially true for high school students. Increased accessibility may be one possible reason behind this result, as more adults are taking drugs and teenagers are always curious about what they do. However, general awareness is also a factor.

What Are The Signs That A Young Person Has A Drug Problem?

The GYTS results show that school performance is a significant factor in drug use by students. An increase in study hours, bad grades, and irregular attendance are signs that a student might be abusing drugs. However, other signs include personality changes, losing interest in friends, and smoking cigarettes outside the house.

(Say No To Drugs)
(Say No To Drugs)

Does The Family Influence Drug Use Among Youth?

The GYTS results show an interesting relation between drug use and whether or not a person lives with parents or siblings. People who live in nuclear families are less likely to take drugs than people who live in joint families. This difference might be attributed to differences in parental supervision while also because nuclear families tend to have fewer children.

How Can We Prevent The Youth From Taking Drugs?

The GYTS results show that drug education and prevention are crucial in preventing drug use among youth. Parents play an essential role in educating their children about drugs. However, it is also essential for schools to be involved in drug abuse prevention programs. Parental supervision and awareness of other risk factors such as peer pressure are vital for preventing drug use among children and teenagers. Preventive measures should be implemented at schools, such as screening students for drug use, mandatory counselling sessions, assigning a counsellor or teacher. So that they can monitor students, who might be at risk of abusing drugs and offering educational programs on drugs during school hours.

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Disclaimer:- Views expressed are the author’s own.

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