
Vernacular Medium®


Buddhism In India

Greatness And Spiritual Advancement Of Buddhism In India

Buddhism is one of the four major religions in the world, with over 500 million followers. The religion was founded in Nepal around 500 BC and spread to Tibet, China, and Japan in AD300. Buddhism in India is now one of the most prominent religions, with approximately 8 million. There are 3600 Buddhist temples across […]

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Evolution Of Yoga

Evolution Of Yoga And Its Forms And Variations In India

Yoga and its evolution take place in India. It is an ancient ascetic practice that originated in India. Yoga combines physical, mental, and spiritual pursuits to achieve harmony of the body & mind. The earliest Yoga practices are thousands of years old. The practice of Yoga, dating back to around 3000 BC, finds its earliest

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‘National Education Policy 2020’ – A Hope Amid Uncertainties

Education And Its Significance In the 21st Century: Education in the 21st century has become an essential learning tool that can’t be denied or ignored anymore. We seriously need some multidisciplinary advanced subjects to be taught. to our younger masses in order to face the upcoming challenges in this modern world. The Goal 4 (SDG4)

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Indian Judiciary System

Evolution Of Indian Judiciary System: The 3rd Pillar Of Our Democracy

Indian Judiciary System: Guardian of Human Rights and Promoter of Peace: Judiciary is one of the important pillars of democracy. The other two are legislature and executive. Their functions are making of laws and execution of laws respectively. Judiciary is the backbone of a country. Judiciary is the guardian of the human rights, protector of the

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Drug Issues

Drug Issues In India, Affecting The Productivity Of Young people

The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is a survey carried out to track high school and college student smoking trends. The GYTS specifically targeted adolescents between 13 and 15 aged students, 16 and 18 aged students and 19 to 25 aged students. In India, the GYTS conducted the drug issues survey in both urban and

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Future Learning

The Future Of Learning

The Future of Learning: 5 Trends That Will Shape Education in 2023 and Beyond: The future of learning is poised for significant transformation, with the Ed-Tech industry playing a crucial role in offering innovative avenues for acquiring knowledge. With the advent of e-learning platforms, skill enhancement programs, and continuous learning opportunities, technology has revolutionized how

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Top 5 Skills

Top 5 Skills Students Need In 21st Century

5 key skills students need to Succeed in 21st-Century Workplace: The 21st-century workplace is rapidly changing, and with it, the skills needed for success. In the past, technical skills and knowledge were often the most critical components of success. Today, however, employers are placing greater emphasis on soft skills, such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration,

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COVID and Its Impact

COVID And Its Impact Upon India’s Foreign Policy Changes

The Indian economy is one of the fastest-growing, despite pandemics in the world today. Due to this, the government and its agencies are constantly looking for ways to increase trade exchanges with other countries. The country has recently implemented India’s foreign policy, which is an excellent strategy that can increase India’s exports and reduce imports. However, this

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E-Vehicles: Future Of World Transportation System

Many people have misconceptions about E-Vehicles and the future of transportation. The fact is that electric vehicles can be a lot cleaner than regular gas-powered cars. For example, in Europe, two out of three new cars sold were electric or hybrid in 2017. In Norway, where taxes on dirty cars are high, electric vehicles make

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