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Why Exams Are So Stressful?

Exams Are Stressful

Why Exams Are So Stressful?

As the exam season approaches, students may feel an increased level of anxiety and fear, which is considered normal. However, the level of stress that individuals can handle and their coping mechanisms vary from person to person. While exams can be a difficult experience for teenagers, it doesn’t have to completely take over their lives. It’s important to ask why exams are so stressful, which we will explore in this blog post. Let’s begin without any further delay.

What is This Exam Stress?

In general, stress is the sensation when the body feels threatened be it real or imaginary. The human body releases certain hormones when it is stressed out as adrenaline and cortisol. The tense & anxious feeling that comes up when exams are nearby is known as exam stress. It is typical to experience some level of stress in anticipation of these events, and in fact, a moderate amount of stress can motivate you to work harder. However, when exam stress starts to disrupt your ability to succeed academically and learn effectively, it becomes problematic. Here are some examples of why you might be feeling stressed during exam time:

1. Time pressure:

You may feel stressed because of the limited time you have to study and prepare for your exams.

2. Personal issues:

Personal issues, such as relationship problems or family issues, can cause stress during exam time.

3. Uncertainty about the future:

The outcome of your exams can have a significant impact on your future, and this uncertainty can lead to stress and anxiety.

4. Lack of sleep or poor nutrition:

Poor sleep and nutrition can affect your ability to concentrate and retain information, leading to stress and anxiety.

5. Overloading:

If you have too many exams to study for, or you have other commitments such as work or extracurricular activities, it can lead to stress and overwhelm.

6. Comparison with others:

Comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate can cause stress and anxiety during exam time.

7. Perfectionism:

Striving for perfection and feeling like you must achieve a certain standard can cause stress and anxiety during exam time.

Why Do Exams Cause Stress?

Another reason why exams cause stress is the pressure to memorize and recall a large amount of information. This can be a daunting task for many students, especially if the material is complex or unfamiliar. The fear of not being able to remember everything you need to know can create a sense of panic and anxiety.

There is also an element of uncertainty associated with exams, which can contribute to stress. Even if you have studied hard and feel prepared, there is always the possibility that something unexpected could happen during the exam that could throw you off your game. This uncertainty can make it difficult to relax and feel confident going into the exam.

For many students, the pressure to perform well on exams comes from family and friends. There may be expectations that you will achieve a particular grade or get into a specific school or program. This pressure can be overwhelming and create feelings of stress and anxiety.

Finally, success on an exam may be a requirement for entry into a desired course or career path. This can add additional pressure to an already stressful situation, as the stakes are higher and the consequences of failure can be significant.

Symptoms Of Exam Stress:

A Student at the time of exams can experience several symptoms which indicate that exam stress is eating him up. He/She should know the reason for the stress so that he can make plans to subdue it and focus better on studies. Below are some of the symptoms of exam stress.

Symptoms of Exam Stress
(Symptoms of Exam Stress)

In totality, a student is bombarded with a series of mixed feelings that even he can’t clarify. In such scenarios, it is advisable to take well-planned steps to avoid any shortcomings.

How To Reduce Stress and Anxiety During Exams?

Exam Times can be stressful for some students, But there are numerous methods that can help you to reduce stress during this nerve-racking time:

Start preparing for exams early:

A head start in studying will provide you with enough confidence to reduce stress and ace your examinations, Procrastination will lead to less studying which will initially lead to more stress, thus it is advisable to start studying as early as possible such that you won’t be regretting afterward.

Develop a good study plan:

Devising a study plan will help you to stay organized and focused. It will also help in analyzing your shortcomings so that you can work on them. It is advisable to break your study plan in such a manner that you can manage it with ease. Take study breaks when necessary.

Don’t Rush: 

Students make a very big mistake when they rush through their syllabus, this will not only devastate their study plan but will also overwhelm them which in turn will add to more stress. It is advisable to study everything carefully and even if you have left something do not worry about that rather revise what you have studied.

Take care of yourself:

During exams, students often skip meals and sleep, which is a big mistake. Taking care of your physical health is crucial for managing stress and performing well. Eat and sleep properly, as a soldier needs nourishment to fight, you need it to ace exams.


To improve focus, do yoga activities like meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga. They reduce stress and improve concentration.

How to Reduce Exam Stress
(How To Reduce Exam Stress)

These tactics reduce stress and improve academic performance. Follow them for 15 days to form a habit and 2 months to make it a lifestyle.


In conclusion, exams can be stressful for students due to a variety of reasons, such as time pressure, personal issues, uncertainty about the future, lack of sleep or poor nutrition, overloading, comparison with others, and perfectionism. The pressure to memorize and recall a large amount of information, the element of uncertainty associated with exams, and the pressure to perform well can also contribute to stress. Symptoms of exam stress may include anxiety, loss of appetite, forgetfulness, mood swings, and sleeplessness. However, there are various methods to reduce stress and anxiety during exams, such as starting to prepare early, developing a good study plan, not rushing through the syllabus, taking care of oneself, and meditating. By implementing these tactics, students can manage their stress and achieve better academic performance.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed are the author’s own.

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3 thoughts on “Why Exams Are So Stressful?”

  1. Biplab Kumar Guru

    Exam are so stressful bcz of all these things whatever you wrote in your content but I would add something that its all about lack of awareness.
    that’s a period (16-24 age ) in this period they don’t dicide that what they are studying in future . In which sector they want to go.No one can guide them and they study whatever their friends read.
    If someone has not interested then No matter what you say, it will be of no use.
    I think it’s also a valid reason 🙂

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