
Vernacular Medium®

July 15, 2023

Marital Rape

Marital Rape: Criminalizing The Most Controversial Social Stigma In The 21st Century

What Is Marital Rape? What is Marital Rape? The first thing that comes to our thought is the Indian Marriage System and the ultra-conservative patriarchal nature of Indian Males.  If it is happening within marriage, then how can it be called Rape? Marital Rape or Spousal Rape is non-consensual sex in which the culprit is […]

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Wildlife Resources In India

Providing An Extra Layer Of Protection To Wildlife Resources In India

Brief Introduction To Wildlife Resources: India: A Land of Abundance and Diversity: India is a country of Resources. Whether it is Natural resources or Human resources, we as a Nation always stand first. World’s second most populous country has been consistently supplying minerals, materials, crops, grains, spices, agri-substances, dairy products, forest products, and so many other

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Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: Understanding the Politics and Tragedy Behind India’s Fight for Independence: The Jallianwala Bagh massacre stands as a defining moment in India’s struggle for independence. In 1951, the Indian government constructed a memorial at the location to pay homage to the valor of the revolutionaries and commemorate the lives lost in the tragic

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Vernacular Languages

Learning In Vernacular Languages Is Not A Shame, Rather A Pride

Nowadays English Medium schools are taking over vernacular medium schools. Many people think learning in vernacular languages is not worth it. But that’s not true. Learning in vernacular languages has many benefits. In the past, learning in vernacular languages has been frowned upon. It was considered a shame, and people would be accused of intelligence or linguistic

Learning In Vernacular Languages Is Not A Shame, Rather A Pride Read More »

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