
Vernacular Medium®

July 8, 2023

Future Learning

The Future of Learning

The Future of Learning: 5 Trends That Will Shape Education in 2023 and Beyond: The future of learning is poised for significant transformation, with the Ed-Tech industry playing a crucial role in offering innovative avenues for acquiring knowledge. With the advent of e-learning platforms, skill enhancement programs, and continuous learning opportunities, technology has revolutionized how […]

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Top 5 Skills

Top 5 Skills Students Need in 21st Century

5 key skills students need to Succeed in 21st-Century Workplace: The 21st-century workplace is rapidly changing, and with it, the skills needed for success. In the past, technical skills and knowledge were often the most critical components of success. Today, however, employers are placing greater emphasis on soft skills, such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration,

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COVID and Its Impact

COVID And Its Impact Upon India’s Foreign Policy Changes

The Indian economy is one of the fastest-growing, despite pandemics in the world today. Due to this, the government and its agencies are constantly looking for ways to increase trade exchanges with other countries. The country has recently implemented India’s foreign policy, which is an excellent strategy that can increase India’s exports and reduce imports. However, this

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